About the Authors...

Manuel Arturo Rodríguez Arana:

He studies Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at TEC-CCM. He is 20 years old and some of his likes are cars, electronic music, and reading things of his professional interest. Some of his favorite books are: The Godfather, Little Men, Dos Crímenes and Santa.

In this Blog, he focused mainly on George Orwell, due to the interesting management of politics and government Orwell has, mainly in his two best works (Animal Far and 1984). Another reason is his attraction to the style Orwell implements as well as his way he includes and describes society in an ironic but factual way.

Omar Oliva Cornejo:

He actually studies Industrial Engineering at TEC-CCM. He is 18 years old and lives in Mexico City. Some of his hobbies are: to swim and go for camping. He definitely prefers fiction and Mystery books such as: The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Inheritance Saga.

He focused on Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray because he is considered to be one of the best writers of the ninetieth century and he managed important aesthetic themes due to the great influence of the upper society. The irony represented by a portrait is one of the reasons of Omar’s interest in analyzing his work.  


He studies International Relationship at TEC-CCM. He is 23 years old and actually is from Pachuca, Hidalgo, but as said he studies in Mexico City. Some of his hobbies are to play soccer and baseball. His favorite’s books are: The picture of Dorian Gray, 1984, Crime and Punishment and Uncle Tom Cabin. 

He focused on Walt Whitman´s because he is arguably the best American writer of all time and the way that his style of writing, that was so revolutionary and modern. One of the things that interested the most to Ivan was the context were Whitman started to write since it became in one of the most important times of USA history, which was the Civil War. 

Gerardo Segovia:
He is 20 years old, studies Industrial Engineering, his main interests are football and music and his favorite books are: The tipping point (Malcolm Gladwell) & Superfreakonomics (Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner)

He decided to focus his analysis in social/context aspects relating Waiting for Godot and the 1950's European society given that this literary play includes many aspects that could reflect the social difficulties that those cultures where going through.

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